So, You Think You Love Horses? Some Reflections on the Nature of Horses and Man

More Discussions by “The Accidental Horseman”

Pony Racing

A Rider on her Pony

I would not have guessed that pony racing is an organized equestrian youth activity, but it is. There are groups of kids riding under the supervision of adults that turn out for and compete in races. Before doing something like this, the young rider should have totally mastered basic riding skills and perhaps participated in more ordinary schooling shows. I have attended a couple of pony races, and the kids I saw all had great seats on horseback and appeared to have been riding from very young ages. Many were from families that were otherwise involved in equine sports. If your child is looking for something a little more exciting than continuing to just take lessons in a ring or just riding on trails, this might be just the thing.

Young Riders Across the Finish Line

The Lead Line Race Off and Running

The activity is structured such that there are few barriers to participating. You need basic equipment: a good helmet, boots, and safety vest. There is also some required tack for the horse: an overgirth and a yoke/neck strap. When joining the group, the young rider is given instruction in racing and safety, and their ability is evaluated. Follow up lesions are available and encouraged. There is an entry fee for each event. The group’s leader is often able to provide racing silks and a pony for those not bringing their own. Younger kids begin with small ponies and gaits are limited to a walk/trot on a lead line. This may require more than a little stamina on the part of the adult running with the lead line. Mercifully, the distance is short. It is a very cute thing to the adult spectators, but the race is announced with all the drama of the Triple Crown, and trophies are awarded to the winner. Older children race progressively longer distances with the oldest riders running the full course. The event at this level more resembles a professional turf race with teenage riders and larger mounts. We all have had our spills while riding, and I have witnessed a few of those during the races, about one per full session of racing. In none of these falls was the rider injured. In part, this was because of landing on a grass field, and ponies can only run so fast on their short, little legs. My eyes told me that most of the participants appeared to know how to remain on a pony that does the unexpected. When I witnessed them remaining in their seats, I am not sure I could do as well as these kids were I in a similar situation. The program prides itself as having a “great emphasis on safety and well-rounded mounts.” I will also credit them with developing a great bunch of superior young riders.

After the Race

A Winner Receives a Trophy

A Race

Rider Down
rider down

Yours truly,
The Accidental Horseman

U.S. Pony Racing Organization
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